Nov 20, 2023 | General Tree-Related Tips
Gorgeous green grass and robust trees can do wonders for any Albany property. However, many residents have trouble growing grass under their trees, creating unsightly dirt patches along their exterior that prevent their property from looking its best. Fortunately,...
Jul 20, 2023 | General Tree-Related Tips
Have you finally taken the leap and trimmed your beloved tree? Congratulations! Whether it’s to give your landscape a facelift or for health purposes, pruning brings a wealth of benefits when done right. Now, you’re probably wondering what to put on tree...
Jun 20, 2023 | General Tree-Related Tips
Many property owners prune their trees without understanding how their anatomy influences healing. What is a branch collar on a tree? Why is it important? We at Green Acres provide Albany’s tree trimming and pruning service. So we imparted our industry knowledge about...
Dec 20, 2022 | General Tree-Related Tips
It is not uncommon to see trees beginning to change color and drop their leaves in the fall and winter months, but what’s actually happening during this time? Trees go through a period of dormancy, where they essentially “hibernate” during colder temperatures and...
Jun 20, 2022 | General Tree-Related Tips
You may look in your backyard and wonder, “Is my tree dead or dormant?” This helpful guide will help you determine if your tree is dead or dormant and what you can do about it. You can also obtain top-rated tree services in Albany by Green Acres to remove your dead...
Dec 16, 2021 | General Tree-Related Tips
Mulch has considerable proven benefits for the soil in your garden. It usually comprises organic materials like wood chips, animal manure, or straw. So, if you’ve got some trees and shrubs to remove on your property, why not take advantage of this readily...